haha don't curse and swear already im back! time just don't permit me to touch my computer so forgive me man. ok folks a small update on the happenings of the life of paul. i went to taiwan on the 30th of april. had a shit load of fun time there especially exercise warrior. had my most memorable time there. had the CO walking with me when i was doing PS for 2 objective. that was a pretty scary experience, a LTC beside you watching your every step. that aside, i came back a sliver bayonet receipent and company best. missing school best by abit. then graduated on 24th of may as a 3SG! and soon i have to strip all my ranks and waste $20 dollars of sewing fee to become an OCT on monday. another 6 months of blood and sweat. well worth my time and energy though. gtg now for some studying then meeting up with friends. cya.