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Monday, June 26, 2006

check this out

6/26/2006 01:32:00 am | 0 comments

Friday, May 26, 2006

haha don't curse and swear already im back! time just don't permit me to touch my computer so forgive me man. ok folks a small update on the happenings of the life of paul. i went to taiwan on the 30th of april. had a shit load of fun time there especially exercise warrior. had my most memorable time there. had the CO walking with me when i was doing PS for 2 objective. that was a pretty scary experience, a LTC beside you watching your every step. that aside, i came back a sliver bayonet receipent and company best. missing school best by abit. then graduated on 24th of may as a 3SG! and soon i have to strip all my ranks and waste $20 dollars of sewing fee to become an OCT on monday. another 6 months of blood and sweat. well worth my time and energy though. gtg now for some studying then meeting up with friends. cya.

5/26/2006 07:55:00 pm | 0 comments

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Leader Sergent Major
Leader Sergent Major a.k.a. L.S.M. an appointment feared by all trainees. A L.S.M. takes charge of the company, getting instructions from the CDI and organise the men. When i was choosen as L.S.M. i was shocked and awe. That night before i took over, i had a sleepless night. Every time i closed my eyes i could hear the words "L.S.M.!" and i would wake up in cold sweat. My fears hit its climax when i took over in the morning. Standing infront of a hundred people and give them instructions made me tremble in fear. i wasn't afraid of the huge crowd, i was just not confident of myself in giving them correct instructions and screwing them up. the day started relatively well just some cock up cause i wasn't sure wad i was suppose to do but i got the hang of it. the day ended quick as i completed my csb navigation test. the highlight of my L.S.M. appointment was platoon live firing day. lots of stuff to manage and organise and timing to be met but i did it. there were some times when it was impossible for it to happen and i made it. when i stood infront of the company shouting commands i felt really good. i liked it very much. some of my friends was asking y was i smiling when i was giving command and i gave them a grin. but my nightmare came at night. the company was really tired as it was already 2am and they had to march back. the sergents was squeezing my balls to dicipline them and get them in order but the men had really low morale to do anything. and so i was scolded and scolded. i was feeling really sad. questioning myself why the 110% percent i gave was not good enuff. it was only the next day my spirit went skyhigh. organised the company to do stuff and the OC walked by me and said "ur doing a very good job." than the sgt major told me " ur probably one of the best L.S.M." Than the OC told the company the platoon deliberate attack was a success and everything was very smooth and no cock up. i was damn happy. anyway being L.S.M. has huge responsibilities. don't play play.

4/08/2006 09:51:00 pm | 0 comments

Monday, March 06, 2006

Captains Log: 206112612 Location: x-0603
holy guacamole! by the heavens! hood's breath! lightning strikes me! zeus' balls! omg! im actually doing an entry ! wow, surprise surprise surprise. to those who have taken their valuable time visiting this blog im really regrettable sorry as time did not permit me to enter an entry. ill fill you in on the happenings of the life of a hedonist, paul.
Pasir Laba Camp a.k.a. P.L.C.
Basic Section Leader Course a.k.a. B.S.L.C.
becoming the first batch of privates to have their bslc course there. nice bunks, great facilities, chin up bars made at the heights of pri skool kids, meals that always served chicken, unreasonable SFI aunties, gayish medics etc.
had all the usual exercises like grandslam, wanderer, nutcracker, catwalk, nightowl etc.
had an unusual exercise like find e m16.
served my 2nd guard duty ( when there are those who didn't even serve a single one since bmtc)
nearly got a gold for my ippt( if only i could shave off 10secs off my 2.4km run )
tot i could go to a unit.
landed myself at Alpha coy, aslc.
Advance Section Leader Course a.k.a. A.S.L.C.
why am i here. o well if its meant to be than go with the flow i guess.
the only pleasant part of going aslc is me in alpha coy.
named as one of the lousiest/slackest coy in sispec.
even the sgt major boast of it proudly like an achievement.
gonna start my course on the 8th after a good block leave.
really wanna quickly finish this and become gods of tekong.
thats about it for now. getting alittle slpy. my eyes are as small as the pimple on my ass.
im off for my bed then.

3/06/2006 01:58:00 am | 0 comments

Monday, December 26, 2005

first book in, sispec

haiz i hate booking in, the feeling suxs big time. and u know wads gonna happen in the week makes the feeling even worst. soc, ippt, m203, agr, etc. bleah. look on the bright sight mr. Paul, at least its not at tekong, and your booking in in CV. oo well next book out would be new year's eve! something to look forward to ( a brand new year to serve the army! horray !) ok i better get going to JP for a dinner and im off to camp. I.L.U.DIA.

12/26/2005 08:20:00 pm | 0 comments

Sunday, December 11, 2005

The dreaded Scorpion King!

i was about to shut my com off when a sudden urge pop into my head: to have my rants abt a particular person known. (due to the content, an attempt has been made to censor all names.) no, its not the scorpion king dota-ers know of, or the scorpion king movie starring The Rock. its a old man in his 50s and lingering around on an island north of changi airport. his "den" happens to be right infront of our "W" den and he's king of his den. i must say he probably has more power then any ordinary kings of den. surprisingly he has powers greater then the sk in dota.

spell power 1 : ability to summon tonners at will leaving other den's denizen with a miserable one that took ages to ferry them back.

spell power 2 : ability to swap stuff at will. our den was suppose to be the first to leave alcatrza but due to some unknown powers we became last and they, first.

ultimate spell power 3 : ability to have more welfare than a den who has a white denizen.

bottemline : if playing golf with the king of the island grants this much power, i'll play golf with his balls anytime.

12/11/2005 04:21:00 am | 0 comments

exhumation of bore[a]d

holy i tot this blog was long dead and long enuff for it to be erased from my memory. i even had trouble entering the user name. o well im back, not for long that is. it must be a miracle for me to have spare time ( defined as time when im rotting at home ). weird but im not used to this 'free' time given to me by the army. nope im not 'chao kenging' for the atten C that justin timberlake has been longing for ( if you know what i mean sect3 ppl). infact i just 'pop' or generally known as passing out parade ( fortunately i didnt pass out during parade ). anyway it was since eons i last entered an entry and i dunno where to start. o well ill give it a try.

ok i give up. ill just let the pics do the talking.

12/11/2005 03:57:00 am | 0 comments

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

nokia 888. Posted by Picasa

11/01/2005 02:29:00 am | 0 comments

Monday, October 31, 2005

field trip.
sounds FUN!
hello boys and gals, u all must be dying for this update for like so long! well here i go!
Im BACK! (duh) from field camp! its one hella experience that i'll never forget. it all started on monday morning at 5am. a 6 click march to our first camp site. had many fun and scary incidents that left me with memories.
falling trees.
our first camp site was a rubber plantation. my first time setting up the basha tent. interesting experience. anyway we pitched our tent right beside the trees. in the afternoon it rained, really heavily. because our campsite is beside the coast, the winds were really strong, and cold. my friend wen dao was just about to enter his basha tent when a tree broke and came crashing down on him! it hit his head and just brought him down on his basha. i remember i stood a few metres away watching as it happened. i too was inches from being hit by a big branch but luckily it dropped right infront of me. anyway i was really shocked when my friend went down. it was like o man i don't know how to explain. my friend stood up a few sec later and ran to the admin tent. luckily he wasn't hurt. soon after many dead fall came crashing down and we evacuated the campsite to the road. and you thought they would get us to set up tent on another site but noo. anyway the rain stopped and we carry on our training. when we slept that night, we slept in fear that it might rain again. our fears materalised. 12am the winds blew really really hard. the chilly winds rocked our tents and me and my buddy was like holding on to the tents for fear of it being blown away. then suddenly we heard pple shouting "dead fall dead fall!" and we were like o shiitt. then our sir asked our row where the trees are mostly dead to fall in. they were afraid that the dead fall might land on our basha. sooo we slept out in the open. it was freezing. anyway we slpt till like 2am then it rained heavily. sooo we had to shift from the open to the medic tent. if only they had the brains to shift us in earlier then we wouldn't have to keep waking up. anyway after we went in we slept practically in water bed. wonderful isnt it ? then we had to wake up at 4+ to break our basha for a 6 click march to our next camp site. thats a total of 3hrs of sleep.
centipede attack!
the most disgusting insect ever. we were digging our subscript and fire trench in a virgin land and these pest started to appear. small to large, these guys just freaks me out. some were really really very very big ! there was one big one that crawled up my friends shirt when we were observing how to put the fopk(fire over head protection kit). we were really freaked out. the sir beside me who saw grab my sleeves really tight (lol). the centipede just crawled up and into my friends shirt and we were like holy shit ! after a few quick moves from my sgt, the centipede was off and dead on the sand. freaky. anyway it was the shaggies day ever. we were like already half dead when we digged finish our trenches and we were about to left the camp site when 10 guys told my sir that they lost stuff. and it was the beginning of hell. after all the usual punishment(situp push up legthrust 45 degree leg lift rifle jumpingjax etc) we were shag out and we thought that was it. well we were wrong, we had to leopard crawl all over the site that we dig to look for it. it was hell and not forgetting the centipedes around. obviously we wouldnt be able to find it that easily. soo we had to dig to search for it. sooo all the tired men from platoon 1 started to dig. allll of us were really shagged out, some just stoned and stood one corner staring at nothing. some just gave up and sat motionlessly on the road. we had to keep digging until we find it or we won't go back to camp. then the Sgt major came. right, so he saw the trenches that we filled up and said "fucked up!" so we had to re-dig the land to cover the subscript and trenches properly. dig dig dig dig. luckily we found 8 of the 10 missing et blade cover. so the 2 will sign extras. so the shag platoon march back. when we were at the camp site we were yet again fucked by the sgt and more push ups etc. shagged. to cut the long story short after all that fucking when we were abt to go to bed i found a really big centipede in my webbing pouch. GROSS! ok managed to get it out and chopped it up real good. horray! shag day gone! wad could a shag recruit on a field camp ask for? so we lights out at 1030. then at 5 we had a turnout. apparently the night didnt recover much of our strength and we had to quickly break out basha and keep every thing into the bag. everyone panicked and grab wad ever they could and stuff it into the bag. hell cos we were late and lost lots of stuff we were once again pumped and pumped. then everything in and out and in and out in the dark. it was crazy. there was loads of fucking here and there etc. o well its over.
battle innoculation course
80m of leopard crawl and back crawl. tired tired tired.
this camp just reminded me how much i had taken every thing for granted. even the lights that you have on every night to the fresh food or water. count your blessings.

10/31/2005 04:38:00 pm | 0 comments

Friday, September 30, 2005

rec paul

training to be soldiers!
fight for our land.
once in our lives,
two years of our time.
have you ever wondered?
why must we serve?
because we love our land,
and we want it to be free to be free, YA!

im back! another 4d3n in singapore this weekend!

9/30/2005 09:08:00 am | 0 comments

Thursday, September 08, 2005

haha i was at the "turn off computer" pop up and i contemplated on whether to switch off my com anot knowing that i will not see this screen for 2 weeks. o well im really gonna off it now.

9/08/2005 02:11:00 am | 0 comments

army here i come

and so my journey in the ARMY begins. starting today at 345pm. 080905. good bye all i will miss you dearly. especially my dear. so long farewell adieu zai jian adios. this blog will not see its maker for 2 weeks so don't bother coming back in the next 2 weeks. out. gone.

9/08/2005 02:02:00 am | 0 comments

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Enlistment blues
sigh. im confused. my mind's full of ARMY. every min im thinking of ARMY. i even had a dream where i was wif my dear and while we were at a shopping centre, the ARMY asked me to go fight the aliens. ( ok i watched too much ' War of the Worlds'). the dream was kinda exciting, running from the aliens wif my dear. anyway where was i, o yes ARMY.
Paul's going ARMY tomorrow. his rather excited about it, but at the same time scared. His feelings and thoughts are similar to Gustav Holst's all time favourite: Jupiter. excitment, reminiscence, scared and apprehensive. He wonders why he had taken his rather slack days for granted. now he misses them dearly(not as much as he miss his dear). there were things he wanted to do but didn't and now he regrets. his thoughts go back and forth, thinking of everything. he was thinking:
army, something that turn boys to men; or so they say. so i sit on the conveyor belt and slowly enter 'ARMY'. in 2 years time i'll exit 'ARMY' out onto the conveyor belt, labelled a men and packed in a box to be sent into society. marvelous, just what i wanted except for the box. can't wait to get my hands on some action. rite.
suddenly an overwhelming wave of tiredness sets in and brings Paul into deep sleep. stay tune for more updates when Paul awake from his very short coma.

9/07/2005 03:42:00 am | 0 comments

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Magic !

9/06/2005 03:10:00 am | 1 comments

Simpsons Greatest Moments, Part 1



9/06/2005 02:51:00 am | 0 comments

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Pre-NSF paranoia syndrome

Lets go over the stuff i needa bring to Tekong:

Soap, checked
T-shirt, checked
Underwear, checked
M16 rifle, checked
AWP sniper rifle, checked
M249, checked
Desert Eagle, checked
Indonesian Maid, checked
Get my will written, checked
Right, now that I have checked through the stuff, I need to do guard duty incase some intruders decide to steal my stuff. Shoot on sight.

9/03/2005 03:13:00 am | 0 comments

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

i like this pic. Posted by Picasa

8/31/2005 11:53:00 pm | 0 comments

she likes to sleep on her back Posted by Picasa

8/31/2005 10:22:00 pm | 0 comments

a poser Posted by Picasa

8/31/2005 10:22:00 pm | 0 comments

angel, and her popeye chicken combo meal Posted by Picasa

8/31/2005 10:21:00 pm | 0 comments

Hong Kong
the food/shopping paradise

ok im back from my escapade, the last before i go through the fiery pits of mordor. one ring to rule them a...... anyway, it was FANTASTIC ! ok i luv hong kong. i had great food like har gao and the real wanton ( filled wif 2 fresh crunchy prawns like CJ prawns) and roast meat (a hundred times nicer then any singapore roast meat) and smelly TOFU! the smelly tofu just roxs, i could smell it from like a street away. its fragrant aroma is not too pleasing to some but it smells like roses to me! haha it taste fantastic: crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside ! dipped in chill sauce and it brings you to paradise. food aside, hongkong is one high tech city too. it had ezlink cards way before we did. they had tv in buses before us too. o and the pedestrain traffic lights can be activated by a sensor when u hover your hand on it. neat huh. its a cool place to be except for the limited land space. i always thought singapore had limited land space and the gov's been saying theres not much land in singapore and they do all the reclaimation and stuff. but hongkong is in a much worse situation then us. all their flats are minimum 40 storey's high. these towering flats house lots and lots of apartments that's sooo small. each apartment is only 300-500sqft. compared to singapore's 5 room flat of 1,400sqft. their rooms are as big as our toliet and they dont have much or any rooms at all. its crazy. and their parking is even crazier, 7k-9k a month and that's like 1.5k to 2k sing. crazy stuff.

ok i can't bring you to hongkong but i can bring hong kong to you ! here are some pics you might find interesting!

8/31/2005 09:55:00 pm | 0 comments

check out the phone booth ! it even has fax! Posted by Picasa

8/31/2005 09:50:00 pm | 0 comments

back to hong kong airpork ! Posted by Picasa

8/31/2005 09:49:00 pm | 0 comments

so that concludes our shopping in hong kong ending at 750 nathan road.  Posted by Picasa

8/31/2005 09:49:00 pm | 0 comments

smallest entrance of a bus ever Posted by Picasa

8/31/2005 09:48:00 pm | 0 comments

then we had dessert ! see the bowl wif an egg? its mine. beancurd wif lotus and EGG Posted by Picasa

8/31/2005 09:47:00 pm | 0 comments

mum enjoying herself wif the food Posted by Picasa

8/31/2005 09:46:00 pm | 0 comments

holy some one died ! haha nah its some guy unhappy wif the opening of disney land. Posted by Picasa

8/31/2005 09:45:00 pm | 0 comments

this is the one i ate. check out all the stuff it does. Posted by Picasa

8/31/2005 09:45:00 pm | 0 comments

gui ling gao, this is good stuff! my fav! apparently this is the best in hongkong Posted by Picasa

8/31/2005 09:44:00 pm | 0 comments